Go Ye Ministries + Horizons Foundation, by Cara Lottes 

·      Christmas Wish List

·      New Dorms

·      Other Updates


Christmas Wish List
As we prepare for Christmas, may we remember those less fortunate. Click to Donate to HORIZONS FOUNDATIONThis year, Bishop Washington – the director for the 65 kids in care – sent a wish list with 2 requests: 

1. Take the kids to swim at a local hotel

2. Make and enjoy a chicken meal
-These requests are precious to them, a meal of chicken is an absolute delicacy; and, they were treated to a swim in a hotel one time while missionaries were there in the past. -Costs to fill the wishes are as follows, in USD: $2 for 1 child to swim and receive a soda and snack. ($130 for all 65 kids.) There is an additional cost for transporting all the kids, totaling $100. The total cost for this wish is $230. A chicken meal is expected to be about $7 per chicken, plus $30 total for flour and oil; or $127 total for the total meal. Gifts could be sent in amounts of $2, for 1 child to swim and have treats, or even $357 for all the swimming and entire chicken meal.Hebrews 13:16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
New dorms

We have exciting news to share: we have funds for finishing the girls dorm and are preparing to move into the new buildings in January! As with any building project or move, unforeseen costs may arise so we continue to need gifts towards building. And, thank you to generous donors to Horizons and Go Ye in December! 

fence by dorm.jpg
constructing outdoor toilet.jpg
outdoor toilets, both dorms.jpg

Many things have been happening:
-The boys dorm is being completed and made move-in ready
-An “outhouse” style bathroom is being built; needed in case of water outages when indoor toilets can’t flush-A fence is being constructed around both the dorms and future buildings; needed due to hyenas, cheetas, etc.-A corrugated metal and wood pole building is being erected to be used as the kitchen and the kids dining/study hall.-And, work will continue on the girls dorm to finish it as quickly as possible!          The rush is on, so the kids can be moved to the new homes before school starts.

One newly identified need is 10 (or more) additional bunk beds. One entirely outfitted bunk bed to sleep 2 kids is $223.

Right now, some kids share a twin mattress, and we would like each child to have their own.     Cost for an additional bunk bed, in USD: mattresses $32 each – so 2 are $64, 2 blankets $11 total, 2 sheets $10 total, 2 mosquito nets $8 total, plus bunk bed frame is $130. 

All 10 bunk beds should cost $2230 total.      Please consider if you might sponsor a blanket/sheet set for $11 or 1 mattress for $32.

Below: They have been cleaning and painting the beds they have now, so they are nice for the new dorms!

bunk beds.jpgpond overflow.jpg <This is the pond overflow

Other Updates

–The pond remains full and the overflow system was constructed, which will manage water from strong rainy seasons like this one.

–The convenience store continues to operate for profit to support the orphans, and sewing work continues.  
–Kids will head back to school for their new school year in January. Kenyan schools run on the calendar year and are split in trimesters, with breaks in between those 3 blocks. We have kids in preschool all the way through “Form 4” (equivalent to Senior in High School in USA); and the Kenyan schools all require pre-paid tuition, new uniforms, plus a specific list of school supplies all before arriving that first day. We are thrilled we can provide paid education for ALL the kids in our care this coming January. As the kids age up into higher grades, there are price increases; plus January is more expensive due to the uniforms and supplies. Any gifts directed to the kids’ schooling for the second trimester will go 100% to school fees!

–Please pray for more missionaries to go in 2024!

To Donate, where 100 % of your gift is used to help orphaned and abandoned children:

Go Ye Ministries: PO Box 736, Prairie Grove AR 72753

Horizons Foundation: PO Box 596, St. Peters MO 63376

PayPal link: Donate to HORIZONS FOUNDATION

Reach us: Horizons4kids@gmail.com – https://horizons4kids.com/

*NLCPM is an abbreviation for New Life Covenant & Power Ministries [the legal charity created in Kenya by Go Ye Ministries and Horizons Foundation]. NLCPM owns Bartholomew Children’s Family [the “orphanage”], land (where the brick dorms and new buildings, plus pond are located), the Jehovah Jireh farm and water tower, plus gas station and convenience store.