Horizons Foundation newsletter – orphanages in Kenya

Congratulations to all who participated in getting the ‘legal umbrella’ established in Kenya to protect the orphanages by acquiring formal governmental approval of the charitable organization. A special thank you to the Founding Director of the orphanage, Mr. Washington Amara Ayugi (pronounced eye-you-ga).  Washington had to travel to Nairobi from near Lake Victoria to meet with the attorneys every day until every ‘t’ was crossed and every ‘i’ was dotted.  That process alone was scheduled for one week, but in reality it took two weeks and one day.  Overall, establishing the new charitable organization was an 18 month project, just approved by the Kenyan national Attorney General on June 20, 2022.

The title to all assets used by the orphanage will now be transferred into the new name of the Kenyan charitable organization: New Life Covenant and Power Ministries. 

According to Kenyan law some assets can be transferred immediately and some will take several steps to accomplish thru their legal system.   By mid-July we feel that all necessary documents will be presented to the court for their initial review.

The orphanage continues to care for 64 kids and the 5 elderly widows who live nearby. I want to give a special thanks to the donor who supplied the funds to purchase the milk, the eggs, the Singer sewing machine and the 40 quality chairs identified in last month’s newsletter. Realizing that it costs $450 to supply milk and eggs every month, one of the primary goals the leadership team is pursuing is to create profit making ventures to help support the orphanage. 

The most immediate productive idea is to acquire 50 chickens that will produce enough eggs to supply the kids with the 15 egg meals per month.  That project has been estimated to cost approximately $2500 and those chickens will produce enough eggs to provide the 15 egg meals per month for 3 years.  That provides 1 egg every other day to every child and widow. The problem is that there is no space available on the orphanage grounds for a chicken house.

Thankfully, the Ministries have been offered two acres of farm land adjacent to the orphanage at a discounted price.  Multiple chicken houses could be set up on this property. These two acres have some frontage on the main highway and create the prospect of setting up a small store to sell eggs and produce as time goes by.

We plan to purchase the two acres for $5500 as God provides the funds.

Having chicken houses on the property will require security fencing around the orphanage and the chickens for safety’s sake.  One security guard has already been hired to protect the children.

The security fencing around the orphanage and the chicken houses will cost about $3000. A security fence has been Washington’s top priority project for some time to protect the children. Wild hyena’s roam throughout the area and they will attack and kill a small child.  So, none of the small children at the orphanage are allowed to go out at night. Washington is wise to request this type of protection.

One of the primary goals the leadership team has been planning and evaluating is setting up FSS – Financial Self Sufficiency for the orphanage.  Right now, the team is focusing on three big ideas to accomplish this.  One is setting up an egg producing and selling business and the second is a crusade rental business where tents, sound systems and staff supply traveling crusades much needed gear for their efforts. And, the third is building a gas station on the two acres identified above.  More about this in future newsletters as plans become solidified.

We all agree that only God can do this. This idea of FSS seems like a tall hill to climb.  But God owns the cattle on a 1000 hills, so it’s a drop in the bucket to Him. When this goal is completed, everyone will be astounded and say to themselves, “Only God could have done this.”

We are asking God for many things and we are asking you to spread the word about this project.

There are many categories to pray specifically for:

1. Please pray that more Prayer Warriors will be added to this ‘Prayer Warriors for Orphans’ team – people who pray and expect things to happen! ;

2. Please pray for continued good health, wisdom and strength for the leaders of this organization and that favor will go before, around and after these servant leaders — Avis Goodhart, Betty Bartholomew, Washington Amara Ayugi (pronounced eye-you-ga),

3. Please pray for all the volunteers helping and teaching the orphans,

4. Please pray for the health of the orphans – currently we are spending $300 to $500 on medical care and hospitalization costs,

5. Please pray that the right projects will be chosen by God for developing Financial Self-Sufficiency as food shortages are predicted for Kenya,

6. Please pray for the donors and potential donors to be strong in their commitment to help these helpless children,

7. Please pray for other needs that only God knows about.

Again, thank you for volunteering to do this most important job!

If you know of others who want to know more about this project, please get me their email addresses.

Some call me Al, some call me Dad



Donations may be sent to Horizons Foundation, PO Box 596, St. Peters MO 63376 –

100% of your donation is passed onto the Directors of the orphanage.