Go Ye Ministries + Horizons Foundation, by Cara Lottes 

·      School picture day!

·      Jua kali way (apprenticeship)

·      Other updates


School picture day!

See below, our kids grades 1-9, who attend the local elementary or junior secondary school. We so appreciate Bishop Washington gathering them all together to send us “school pictures”!

Last month, we included photos of dropping off some of the older kids at boarding schools. In Kenya, “high school” is often completed at a boarding school, especially for schools with better resources – like access to computers. So, most of those kiddos are away until the April break.

As our readers know, there is no free education in Kenya. It is your donations that make attending school and buying these required uniforms happen! Thank you!

Please enjoy these closer-up images of some of our kiddos who are in elementary school.

Then, these are groups of our junior secondary kids (middle school age). …Looking good!

Jua Kali way (apprenticeship)

We have 4 teens who began an apprenticeship for this year, rather than pursuing more secondary/high school. The Kenyan term for this kind of career path is called “Jua Kali way”. These teens are all approaching adulthood, yet needed multiple more years of high school to graduate; so a better plan for their future was to spend their limited time with us to learn practical job skills. 

We hope to help each child in our care prepare for a successful adulthood! We expect this will include different paths for different kids. When kids arrive into care, they may have missed many years of schooling and that becomes hard to make up over time.

>First, this is Chisel, who is pursuing sewing. She goes to a local shop in the center close to our home. 

>Then, we have 3 boys who are pursuing welding. They are going to a site near Homa Bay and the welder is picking them up each day. We hope to share photos in the next letter!

Other updates

1. Sukuma Wiki: As we noted last month, the most recent crop of sukuma wiki (daily staple food, greens) was not a success due to extreme weather. We sent additional funds in February to buy some sukuma wiki to supplement their diet; and now, they are in process to plant more for a new growing season. Please pray with us for the success of the farm!

2. Help with purchasing fire extinguishers: We ask for donations for 7 fire extinguishers in Kenya that the local government is requiring for the home. The cost to buy what is required in the country is approx. $70 each, or $490 total needed. Would you like to sponsor one?

To Donate, where 100 % of your gift is used to help orphaned and abandoned children:

Go Ye Ministries: PO Box 736, Prairie Grove AR 72753

Horizons Foundation: 2025 Zumbehl Road, Box 205, St. Charles MO 63303

PayPal link: Donate to HORIZONS FOUNDATION

Reach us: Horizons4kids@gmail.com – https://horizons4kids.com/

NLCPM is New Life Covenant & Power Ministries, the legal charity created in Kenya jointly by Go Ye Ministries and Horizons Foundation. NLCPM owns the children’s compound with the farm; plus the gas station/convenience store and 3 additional commercial buildings.