2023 July Newsletter – Exciting times in Kendu Bay, Kenya
Go Ye Ministries and Horizons Foundation, by Cara Lottes
· The gas pump is open onsite!
· Betty, Avis, and Fred going to Kenya
· Sewing and farming updates
· In August, need funds for kids to attend school
Ø The gas pump is open onsite!
The gas pump is open as of mid-June after finalizing the permitting and receiving the funding, thanks to your donations, to stock the first filling of gas in the tank. Hooray! This project is the fulfillment of a lot of work and so we celebrate what a blessing this already is, and what we believe it will be for years: a source of local jobs and a provider of income for orphan care. The single gas pump acts as a true gas station, with the convenience store adjacent to it, selling sodas and much more. All these businesses are for profits to help the kids, and tithes are paid on profits to the local church!
In July, after accounting for June, some of the gas station net profit will purchase things like fish for one meal, cabbages for one week, and extra rice – all for the orphanage. We are thankful funds are available for these small extras. As mentioned before, prices continue to rise in Kenya (as in the US) on basics, so some profits are helping with ongoing costs. The remaining profit after tithe is being reinvested to buy more convenience store products, to hope to continue growing this business.
Ø Update on G’s baby boy
This sweet baby boy is doing great! He is the son of G (a now 13-year-old who was impregnated and abandoned), whose story was in the last letter about her trauma and how she can experience safety and opportunity. G and baby are pictured here. Thank you for your prayers for both G and this precious little boy. It seems likely that without the orphanage and director Bishop Washington Ayugi, and extraordinary efforts, this little guy would not be alive today. He has a special purpose and God has a plan for his life! This is what this work is all about!
Ø Betty, Avis, and Fred are going to Kenya
Mark the date, August 26, when Avis and Fred start their flights to Kenya – for prayers for their journeys! Betty joins soon after, and they all plan to stay until October 12. They would happily accept $ donations to take to Kenya to buy clothing/shoes, extra pens/pencils, and things of that nature. $10 or $20 goes a long way for “small things” there if you’d like to send a check, cash, or Paypal (link and addresses at newsletter end). Another airline bag costs $200 to take, whereas $200 in Kenya would buy a lot of special items for the kids.
Is there anyone who would like to go with them on THIS trip? In the future, they hope to be taking teams of volunteers! Please pray with us that others will be led to go to Kenya soon.
Avis and Betty are open to invitations to speak at churches or groups after returning in October!
Ø Sewing and farming updates
Sewing training for 6 more weeks was funded by a donor after the last newsletter! Thank you, Lord! The training has now resumed, and the kids are learning more of this valuable skill. The donor also wanted to bless the project with another sewing machine so funds were sent so a machine will be purchased during the August trip. This should create more opportunities and we look forward to hearing how this gift makes an impact!
Farming had a good month, and the maize is being harvested now, all of which is used for food for the orphanage (USA calls it corn). The recently created pond continues to help in watering the tomatoes and greens which are also grown on the farming acreage. This all helps feed the kids! And, we hope in the future, the growth can be enough to sell some food and create a business of farming. We are thankful for the good maize crop coming in now.
We look forward to Betty, Avis, Fred, and Washington all being together in Kenya later this summer as they will pour much effort into the project to build a permanent brick building for orphan care. The new building will be on the land owned by the Kenyan charity (NLCPM*) and the temporary wood pole/sheet metal will also move to this land. Drawings are in the works, bids are coming in, setting in electric will be planned, and more! We are so thankful for the large donation to start this; and pray for wisdom on all the next steps.
(*NLCPM stands for New Life Covenant & Power Ministries (the legal charitable entity created in Kenya). NLCPM legally owns the orphanage, which is named Bartholomew Childrens Family. Both Horizons Foundation and Go Ye Ministries are supporting – through your donations – NLCPM home’s orphaned and abandoned children.)
Ø In August, need funds for kids to attend school
Since Kenya has no free public school, without donations, there simply isn’t money for them to attend school! Their school year is 3 terms per year; and the next starts late August, when about another $4000 is needed to cover all the kids (depending on exchange rates).
100 % of donations sent will be used for the work in Kenya:
Go Ye Ministries: PO Box 736, Prairie Grove AR 72753
Horizons Foundation: PO Box 596, St. Peters MO 63376
PayPal to Horizons Foundation: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=5TFSWGGQEBMJC&fbclid=IwAR1-eR-RKZIMCisHI5gJfRvWAabd0pTN-Y7sZda73jtFULYhX2tiwnODpls
Reach us: Horizons4kids@gmail.com – https://horizons4kids.com/