2024: June Newsletter

Go Ye Ministries + Horizons Foundation, by Cara Lottes 

·      Kevin, the artist

·      Exciting updates

·      Projects completed in June

·      Call for prayer

·      Requests for giving


Kevin, the artist

Kevin is a Kenyan artist who lived homeless on the streets as a child/teen until a wonderful mission in Nairobi helped him. Please enjoy his beautiful work of the NLCPM compound here! Look at how the area has grown to be such a blessing – farm, water tower, housing, solar panels, fencing, and more! (You may recognize some missionaries in the 1st painting!) Through the US-native (St. Louis native) missionary living in Kenya, Kevin began communicating with my dad, Al Lockhart in years past. One of Kevin’s paintings hangs in my parent’s home! Kevin shows his God-given talents in paintings, and recently told Betty Bartholomew how wonderful his life is now – knowing God and how he was redeemed from homelessness and that he is just so thankful. We are thankful for him!

Exciting updates

-Our 18 new kids have continued to settle in at our home, and are all in school now. 74 orphaned or abandoned kids are being educated because of your giving! There is no free public education in Kenya.

-The woman with albinism (albino), Lavender, has been living onsite as we mentioned in the last letter. We are happy to report this has allowed her to keep her family intact with her 2 children at the home (she was widowed), and that she is helping to cook for all of the kids. This has been so beneficial.

-Derick, the 22yo social worker intern, continues helping the kids. He has been wonderful with helping care for sick ones, and transporting kids to and from the hospital when needed. This past month, at different times, a total of 5 kids ended up in the hospital due to strong malaria – they are all back home now. Unfortunately, this is common in Kenya; and in response, we have also sent funds for special spraying to the home area to minimize the mosquito risks. 

-Also, Derick recently told Washington that he plans to finish his 3 month internship as originally planned, return his reports to his Kenyan university, THEN return to help out until his graduation in December! Receiving his assistance for 4 extra months is an answer to prayer.

Projects completed in June

1. Reinforced one embankment of the pond that approaches our road to avoid a possible collapse; this was prioritized after the unusually strong rainy season. 


2. Quadrupled our chicken count from 50 to 200, buying 150 more, to increase egg production so there will be more for both the kids to eat and to sell.

3. Purchased sukuma wiki (greens, a daily staple food) from the market due to the crop failure (due to rains). Now, the new crops are starting to come in again (pictured first sukuma wiki, next beans plants.)!

Call for prayer

Kenya, Kenyans, Washington, intern Derick, and all the kids living onsite – and the adults working alongside them – need your prayers!

-There have been local concerns surrounding Washington. With the large and beautiful buildings built, and abundance through God’s blessings to supply a farm and electricity and so many things viewed as luxuries, this has put a spotlight on Washington. Please pray for Washington, intern Derick, and all the kids to have peace and for the mission to be known for integrity in the local community; for NLCPM to enjoy favor, a good name and reputation, without suspicion.

-The recent rains and flooding in Kenya, has caused much devastation. Not only did many people die in the floods, but also many living in the slums of Nairobi, like one called Mathare, have been subjected to the government tearing down their homes after the flooding. While these were simple shacks to live in, without those roofs over their heads, many simply have absolutely nothing. Now, the government has torn down one of our church-plant churches in Mathare! The locals feel hopeless to ever rebuild another church there. If anyone desires to give towards this new need in Mathare, it will be directed there!

(Sample news: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/may/07/floods-kenya-)

The image here is of the former Mathare church-plant church, just rubble now:

-Large protests have been happening this week in Kenya, especially in the cities like Nairobi. (Sample news: https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/kenya-braces-fresh-protests-despite-presidents-tax-climbdown-2024-06-27/). Their President William Ruto has just withdrawn the legislation that sparked the outcry, which was for new taxes on basic commodities like bread, oil, sugar, and money transactions. This was after parliament was stormed and set on fire, and at least 23 people were killed in 1 day. Even with the new reversal of this bill, there have been supply chain issues and food price jumps for many days, and the future is unclear. We don’t know what the future holds, but we know WHO holds the future! We are thankful the NLCPM land and our kids are located outside of a large city in a rural area! And, we felt it wise and purchased food for July this past week. We pray the economy and government will do better and that Kenya will improve!  

Requests for giving

-August’s school fees total (with our growth) is expected to be over $5,000 USD. We need help to fund the next term of schooling!

-Build a drinking water system, a rainwater roof filtration system, ~$8,000 USD.

-Build a true road into the compound for around $26,000 USD.

To Donate, where 100 % of your gift is used to help orphaned and abandoned children:

Go Ye Ministries: PO Box 736, Prairie Grove AR 72753

Horizons Foundation: PO Box 596, St. Peters MO 63376

PayPal link: Donate to HORIZONS FOUNDATION

Reach us: Horizons4kids@gmail.com – https://horizons4kids.com/

NLCPM is New Life Covenant & Power Ministries, the legal charity created in Kenya by Go Ye Ministries and Horizons Foundation. NLCPM owns the children’s compound with the farm; plus a gas station/convenience store and 3 more commercial buildings.