2023: November Newsletter – GIVING TUESDAY
Go Ye Ministries and Horizons Foundation, by Cara Lottes
· Giving Tuesday
· New dorms
· Updates: boys, pond, convenience store and sewing work, farm
Giving Tuesday
Since today is “GIVING TUESDAY” in the USA (following the shopping days of “Black Friday and Cyber Monday”) we say THANK YOU to our partners and highlight 3 recent gifts. We hope these stories inspire you and the scriptures included are an encouragement to you.
Giving spotlight 1: A widow and her friend gave $1000 to the kids!
The story starts with some extra cloth, a sewing machine, and an idea to make a few pretty potholders. Two friends got to talking and before long a couple of these potholders were made “hot off the press” … and an acquaintance offered to buy a few. Well, the two friends weren’t planning on making money from their craft, and decided whatever money was made would go to the orphanage kids, because they read the newsletters and have given in the past. A few more potholders were whipped up and sold quickly again! Now, a lofty goal that sounded nearly unattainable at the time was set: to give $1000 to buy clothing for the kids, as they knew some did not receive new things during the latest mission trip. That would be over 200 potholders to both make and sell, since they were selling them for $5 USD! Well … the friends kept sewing and selling; and selling and sewing! God was at work to bless the kids and to work through these virtuous women. And just like that, the $1000 was raised and sent into Horizons Foundation and Go Ye to go to Kenya for clothing.
Proverbs 31: 19-20 In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.
Some results of this labor of love… kids receiving and wearing new things!
Giving spotlight 2: A retired schoolteacher consistently donates every month and can be counted on to cheerfully give to ongoing needs or special projects. A small sample list of the many projects that have been accomplished in whole or part through this consistent giving: new underwear for the kids during the last mission trip, gas station fuel inventory, pond enlargement for fresh water, and paying school fees for education. Amazing!
2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
Giving spotlight 3: A new giving partner sent a large, surprise gift for the upcoming school fees due in December! Wow! What a blessing to know the next trimester has funds set aside for it!
Proverbs 19:17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.
>>> Note about Kenyan schooling: the kids in upper grades have been attending 7 days a week due to time lost during the pandemic. They are in school Monday to Saturday, plus Sunday afternoons. There is a new curriculum for the academic calendar year 2024, so we hope the update reverts back to 5 days a week. This hasn’t been allowing them time for nearly anything else.
New dorms
-As reported in the last letter, the boy’s dorm is nearly complete, now all but some electrical outlet work. Please enjoy updated images:
-The girl’s dorm, as noted last time, has brick walls and a roof. It has since been on hold and we estimate $20,000 USD needed to finish it.
Would you like to give toward the girl’s dorm … perhaps $50 for 1 sink (need 8 total, $400), 1 window for $105 (all 16 for $1680), 1 steel exterior door for $140 (all 4 for $560)? A $6000 gift would cover the windows, inside/outside doors, paint, sinks, toilets!
-We look forward to the day we can report all the kids are moved out of the sheet metal and wood-pole style buildings, and into these brick buildings with indoor plumbing!
Updates: 3 boys, the pond, convenience store + sewing work, and farm
-An update on the 3 boys who were hit by a car while walking home a month ago: David is still in pain and recovering from his broken shoulder; Derrick is mostly better yet lost a tooth and had other teeth cracked, Sterphern also mostly better but with cracked teeth and lots of facial scarring. We are thankful they are all alive and home again; yet Derrick and Sterphern will need dental work in the future.
-Too much of a good thing … The pond is full (hooray) yet there has been flooding in Kenya and so our pond is about to overflow. An overflow system is being constructed starting today to manage the water during this strong rainy season and for the future.
-The convenience store and sewing work continue as paths towards increased self-sufficiency. Lists are in progress of items to better stock, and some easily made fresh items to sell, all to increase profits. Also, a small amount of the materials and snaps sent to make the reusable feminine products will be used to make a few prototypes to try selling in the store next month.
-Farm: One unfortunate side effect of the recent heavy rains is that the maize and beans may be ruined; however the sugarcane and banana trees are doing well with the wet soil. This may create a need for more funds for food staples in the coming year.
To Give – 100 % of donations sent will be used for the work in Kenya:
Go Ye Ministries: PO Box 736, Prairie Grove AR 72753
Horizons Foundation: PO Box 596, St. Peters MO 63376
See PayPal link: Donate to HORIZONS FOUNDATION
Reach us: Horizons4kids@gmail.com – https://horizons4kids.com/
*NLCPM is an abbreviation for New Life Covenant & Power Ministries [the legal charity created in Kenya by Go Ye Ministries and Horizons Foundation]. NLCPM owns Bartholomew Children’s Family [the orphanage], land (where the pond is located), the Jehovah Jireh farm and water tower, the gas station and convenience store, and the brick dorms.